Table of Contents
- $apiendpoint : mixed
- $apikey : mixed
- $config : mixed
- $defaultconfig : mixed
- $throwError : mixed
- __construct() : void
- Initialize Core API with an API key and optional region (US, EU)
- enableAMLCheck() : void
- Check document holder's name and document number against ID Analyzer AML Database for sanctions, crimes and PEPs.
- enableAMLStrictMatch() : void
- By default, entities with identical name or document number will be considered a match even though their birthday or nationality may be unknown. Enable this parameter to reduce false-positives by only matching entities with exact same nationality and birthday.
- enableAuthentication() : void
- Validate the document to check whether the document is authentic and has not been tampered, and set authentication module
- enableBarcodeMode() : void
- Disable Visual OCR and read data from AAMVA Barcodes only
- enableDualsideCheck() : void
- Check if the names, document number and document type matches between the front and the back of the document when performing dual-side scan. If any information mismatches error 14 will be thrown.
- enableImageOutput() : void
- Generate cropped image of document and/or face, and set output format [url, base64]
- enableVault() : void
- Save document image and parsed information in your secured vault. You can list, search and update document entries in your vault through Vault API or web portal.
- generateContract() : void
- Generate legal document using data from user uploaded ID
- resetConfig() : void
- Reset all API configurations except API key and region.
- restrictCountry() : void
- Check if the document was issued by specified countries, if not error code 10 will be thrown. Separate multiple values with comma. For example "US,CA" would accept documents from United States and Canada.
- restrictState() : void
- Check if the document was issued by specified state, if not error code 11 will be thrown. Separate multiple values with comma. For example "CA,TX" would accept documents from California and Texas.
- restrictType() : void
- Check if the document was one of the specified types, if not error code 12 will be thrown. For example, "PD" would accept both passport and drivers license.
- scan() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Scan an ID document with Core API, optionally specify document back image, face verification image, face verification video and video passcode
- setAccuracy() : void
- Set OCR Accuracy
- setAMLDatabase() : void
- Specify the source databases to perform AML check, if left blank, all source databases will be checked. Separate each database code with comma, for example: un_sc,us_ofac. For full list of source databases and corresponding code visit AML API Overview.
- setBiometricThreshold() : void
- Set the minimum confidence score to consider faces being identical
- setOCRImageResize() : void
- Scale down the uploaded image before sending to OCR engine. Adjust this value to fine tune recognition accuracy on large full-resolution images. Set 0 to disable image resizing.
- setParameter() : void
- Set an API parameter and its value, this function allows you to set any API parameter without using the built-in functions
- setVaultData() : void
- Add up to 5 custom strings that will be associated with the vault entry, this can be useful for filtering and searching entries.
- throwAPIException() : void
- Whether an exception should be thrown if API response contains an error message
- verifyAddress() : void
- Check if supplied address matches with document.
- verifyAge() : void
- Check if the document holder is aged between the given range.
- verifyDOB() : void
- Check if supplied date of birth matches with document.
- verifyDocumentNumber() : void
- Check if supplied document or personal number matches with document.
- verifyExpiry() : void
- Check if the document is still valid based on its expiry date.
- verifyName() : void
- Check if supplied name matches with document.
- verifyPostcode() : void
- Check if supplied postcode matches with document.
= ""
= array("accuracy" => 2, "authenticate" => false, "authenticate_module" => 1, "ocr_scaledown" => 2000, "outputimage" => false, "outputface" => false, "outputmode" => "url", "dualsidecheck" => false, "verify_expiry" => true, "verify_documentno" => "", "verify_name" => "", "verify_dob" => "", "verify_age" => "", "verify_address" => "", "verify_postcode" => "", "country" => "", "region" => "", "type" => "", "checkblocklist" => false, "vault_save" => true, "vault_saveunrecognized" => false, "vault_noduplicate" => false, "vault_automerge" => false, "vault_customdata1" => "", "vault_customdata2" => "", "vault_customdata3" => "", "vault_customdata4" => "", "vault_customdata5" => "", "barcodemode" => false, "biometric_threshold" => 0.4, "aml_check" => false, "aml_strict_match" => false, "aml_database" => "", "contract_generate" => "", "contract_format" => "", "contract_prefill_data" => "", "client" => 'php-sdk')
= false
Initialize Core API with an API key and optional region (US, EU)
__construct(string $apikey[, string $region = "US" ]) : void
- $apikey : string
You API key
- $region : string = "US"
Return values
void —enableAMLCheck()
Check document holder's name and document number against ID Analyzer AML Database for sanctions, crimes and PEPs.
enableAMLCheck([bool $enabled = false ]) : void
- $enabled : bool = false
Enable or disable AML/PEP check
Return values
void —enableAMLStrictMatch()
By default, entities with identical name or document number will be considered a match even though their birthday or nationality may be unknown. Enable this parameter to reduce false-positives by only matching entities with exact same nationality and birthday.
enableAMLStrictMatch([bool $enabled = false ]) : void
- $enabled : bool = false
Enable or disable AML strict match mode
Return values
void —enableAuthentication()
Validate the document to check whether the document is authentic and has not been tampered, and set authentication module
enableAuthentication([bool $enabled = false ][, mixed $module = 2 ]) : void
- $enabled : bool = false
Enable or disable Document Authentication
- $module : mixed = 2
Authentication Module: 1, 2 or quick
Return values
void —enableBarcodeMode()
Disable Visual OCR and read data from AAMVA Barcodes only
enableBarcodeMode([bool $enabled = false ]) : void
- $enabled : bool = false
Enable or disable Barcode Mode
Return values
void —enableDualsideCheck()
Check if the names, document number and document type matches between the front and the back of the document when performing dual-side scan. If any information mismatches error 14 will be thrown.
enableDualsideCheck([bool $enabled = false ]) : void
- $enabled : bool = false
Enable or disable dual-side information check
Return values
void —enableImageOutput()
Generate cropped image of document and/or face, and set output format [url, base64]
enableImageOutput([bool $cropDocument = false ][, bool $cropFace = false ][, string $outputFormat = "url" ]) : void
- $cropDocument : bool = false
Enable or disable document cropping
- $cropFace : bool = false
Enable or disable face cropping
- $outputFormat : string = "url"
"url" or "base64", defaults to "url"
Return values
void —enableVault()
Save document image and parsed information in your secured vault. You can list, search and update document entries in your vault through Vault API or web portal.
enableVault([bool $enabled = true ][, bool $saveUnrecognized = false ][, bool $noDuplicateImage = false ][, bool $autoMergeDocument = false ]) : void
- $enabled : bool = true
Enable or disable Vault
- $saveUnrecognized : bool = false
Save document image in your vault even if the document cannot be recognized
- $noDuplicateImage : bool = false
Prevent duplicated images from being saved
- $autoMergeDocument : bool = false
Automatically merge images with same document number into a single entry inside vault
Return values
void —generateContract()
Generate legal document using data from user uploaded ID
generateContract(string $templateId[, string $format = "PDF" ][, mixed $prefillData = array() ]) : void
- $templateId : string
Contract Template ID displayed under web portal
- $format : string = "PDF"
Output file format: PDF, DOCX or HTML
- $prefillData : mixed = array()
Associative array or JSON string, to autofill dynamic fields in contract template.
Return values
void —resetConfig()
Reset all API configurations except API key and region.
resetConfig() : void
Return values
void —restrictCountry()
Check if the document was issued by specified countries, if not error code 10 will be thrown. Separate multiple values with comma. For example "US,CA" would accept documents from United States and Canada.
restrictCountry([string $countryCodes = "US,CA,UK" ]) : void
- $countryCodes : string = "US,CA,UK"
ISO ALPHA-2 Country Code separated by comma
Return values
void —restrictState()
Check if the document was issued by specified state, if not error code 11 will be thrown. Separate multiple values with comma. For example "CA,TX" would accept documents from California and Texas.
restrictState([string $states = "CA,TX" ]) : void
- $states : string = "CA,TX"
State full name or abbreviation separated by comma
Return values
void —restrictType()
Check if the document was one of the specified types, if not error code 12 will be thrown. For example, "PD" would accept both passport and drivers license.
restrictType([string $documentType = "DIP" ]) : void
- $documentType : string = "DIP"
P: Passport, D: Driver's License, I: Identity Card
Return values
void —scan()
Scan an ID document with Core API, optionally specify document back image, face verification image, face verification video and video passcode
scan(string $document_primary[, string $document_secondary = "" ][, string $biometric_photo = "" ][, string $biometric_video = "" ][, string $biometric_video_passcode = "" ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $document_primary : string
Front of Document (File path, base64 content or URL)
- $document_secondary : string = ""
Back of Document (File path, base64 content or URL)
- $biometric_photo : string = ""
Face Photo (File path, base64 content or URL)
- $biometric_video : string = ""
Face Video (File path, base64 content or URL)
- $biometric_video_passcode : string = ""
Face Video Passcode (4 Digit Number)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —setAccuracy()
Set OCR Accuracy
setAccuracy([int $accuracy = 2 ]) : void
- $accuracy : int = 2
0 = Fast, 1 = Balanced, 2 = Accurate
Return values
void —setAMLDatabase()
Specify the source databases to perform AML check, if left blank, all source databases will be checked. Separate each database code with comma, for example: un_sc,us_ofac. For full list of source databases and corresponding code visit AML API Overview.
setAMLDatabase([string $databases = "au_dfat,ca_dfatd,ch_seco,eu_fsf,fr_tresor_gels_avoir,gb_hmt,ua_sfms,un_sc,us_ofac,eu_cor,eu_meps,global_politicians,interpol_red" ]) : void
- $databases : string = "au_dfat,ca_dfatd,ch_seco,eu_fsf,fr_tresor_gels_avoir,gb_hmt,ua_sfms,un_sc,us_ofac,eu_cor,eu_meps,global_politicians,interpol_red"
Database codes separated by comma
Return values
void —setBiometricThreshold()
Set the minimum confidence score to consider faces being identical
setBiometricThreshold([float $threshold = 0.4 ]) : void
- $threshold : float = 0.4
float between 0 to 1, higher value yields more strict verification
Return values
void —setOCRImageResize()
Scale down the uploaded image before sending to OCR engine. Adjust this value to fine tune recognition accuracy on large full-resolution images. Set 0 to disable image resizing.
setOCRImageResize([int $maxScale = 2000 ]) : void
- $maxScale : int = 2000
0 or 500~4000
Return values
void —setParameter()
Set an API parameter and its value, this function allows you to set any API parameter without using the built-in functions
setParameter(string $parameterKey, string $parameterValue) : void
- $parameterKey : string
Parameter key
- $parameterValue : string
Parameter value
Return values
void —setVaultData()
Add up to 5 custom strings that will be associated with the vault entry, this can be useful for filtering and searching entries.
setVaultData([string $data1 = "" ][, string $data2 = "" ][, string $data3 = "" ][, string $data4 = "" ][, string $data5 = "" ]) : void
- $data1 : string = ""
Custom data field 1
- $data2 : string = ""
Custom data field 2
- $data3 : string = ""
Custom data field 3
- $data4 : string = ""
Custom data field 4
- $data5 : string = ""
Custom data field 5
Return values
void —throwAPIException()
Whether an exception should be thrown if API response contains an error message
throwAPIException([bool $throwException = false ]) : void
- $throwException : bool = false
Throw exception upon API error, defaults to false
Return values
void —verifyAddress()
Check if supplied address matches with document.
verifyAddress([string $address = "123 Sample St, California, US" ]) : void
- $address : string = "123 Sample St, California, US"
Address requiring validation
Return values
void —verifyAge()
Check if the document holder is aged between the given range.
verifyAge([string $ageRange = "18-99" ]) : void
- $ageRange : string = "18-99"
Age range, example: 18-40
Return values
void —verifyDOB()
Check if supplied date of birth matches with document.
verifyDOB([string $dob = "1990/01/01" ]) : void
- $dob : string = "1990/01/01"
Date of birth in YYYY/MM/DD
Return values
void —verifyDocumentNumber()
Check if supplied document or personal number matches with document.
verifyDocumentNumber([string $documentNumber = "X1234567" ]) : void
- $documentNumber : string = "X1234567"
Document or personal number requiring validation
Return values
void —verifyExpiry()
Check if the document is still valid based on its expiry date.
verifyExpiry([bool $enabled = false ]) : void
- $enabled : bool = false
Enable or disable expiry check
Return values
void —verifyName()
Check if supplied name matches with document.
verifyName([string $fullName = "ELON MUSK" ]) : void
- $fullName : string = "ELON MUSK"
Full name requiring validation
Return values
void —verifyPostcode()
Check if supplied postcode matches with document.
verifyPostcode([string $postcode = "90001" ]) : void
- $postcode : string = "90001"
Postcode requiring validation